Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal Summer Update

News The summer’s off to a whale of a start on the MARCO Portal. Skim below for links and news on our latest marine mammal data, maritime maps, important improvements to a Portal tool and more. Commercial Whale & Dolphin Watch Areas: View the most popular areas...

State News

News VIRGINIA The Virginia Coastal Zone Management Program is funding the Regional Wildlife Science Collaborative (RWSC, which MARCO co-leads) with $49,887 to undertake a power analysis of passive acoustic monitoring of whales in Virginia that will complement the...
MARCO Hudson Canyon Resources

MARCO Hudson Canyon Resources

MARCO Hudson Canyon Resources The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is considering designating a national marine sanctuary in the Hudson Canyon area, located approximately 100 miles southeast of New York City. The Wildlife Conservation Society...
April 2022 MARCO News

April 2022 MARCO News

The April issue of MARCO News was released on April 30. Contents include: MARCO 2021 Annual Report MARCO 2022 – 2024 Work Plan DNREC Oil Spill Modeling Webinar Series Tribal Lands Data Layer Collaboration Regional Wildlife Science Collaboration for Offshore Wind...

2021 Annual Report Published

News   The Mid-Atlantic Regional Council on the Ocean (MARCO) announces publication of its . MARCO has advanced it’s work on the four original shared priorities (Climate Change, Marine Habits, Renewable Offshore Energy, and Water Quality) identified by the five...