State News

News   NEW YORK   NY Department of State is proud to announce Barbara Kendall, a Coastal Resource Specialist 2, recently published “Model Local Laws to Increase Resilience: A Comprehensive Resource for Municipalities along New York State’s Lakes, Rivers and...
MARACOOS, MARCO to Expand Ocean Mapping and Research Partnership

Read the October 2021 MARCO News

The October 2021 issue of MARCO News was released October 29, 2021. Contents include: 2020 Annual Report Published Prevent Balloon Litter Campaign Launched MARCO Management Board Member Spotlight – Catherine McCall, Maryland Regional Ocean Planning in the Mid-Atlantic...

2020 Annual Report Published

News   The Mid-Atlantic Regional Council on the Ocean (MARCO) announces a return to publication of an annual report, beginning with the 2020 Annual Report.  MARCO stakeholders will read about major projects completed and actions taken in its priority focus areas....