State News

News   New Jersey Governor Murphy through Executive Order 28, established the goal of setting New Jersey on the path to 100% clean energy by 2050. Building upon that goal, in 2019, Executive Order #92 effectively raised New Jersey’s offshore wind goal from 3,500...
July 2022 MARCO News

July 2022 MARCO News

The Summer issue of MARCO News was released in August 2022. Contents include: Hudson Canyon Resources 2022 Ocean Forum Spurs New Collaborations Update from the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Acidification Network Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal Summer Update MARCO Management...

MACAN Update

News   Over the next several months, the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Acidification Network (MACAN) will be conducting an Ocean and Coastal Acidification Monitoring Inventory to update the regional Acidification Monitoring Maps on MARCO’s Ocean Data Portal,...

Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal Summer Update

News The summer’s off to a whale of a start on the MARCO Portal. Skim below for links and news on our latest marine mammal data, maritime maps, important improvements to a Portal tool and more. Commercial Whale & Dolphin Watch Areas: View the most popular areas...