Climate Change Adaptation: Improving Ocean Resilience
The Need for Action
The Mid-Atlantic ocean provides commercially, recreationally, and ecologically important resources that support the region’s coastal economies and communities. Coastal states in the region are seeking to understand how a changing climate impacts the ocean so they can plan and adapt accordingly.

Water Quality
The Need for Action
In recent decades, the Mid-Atlantic states have made progress in reducing degradation of marine waters. Yet, despite federal and state legal and regulatory frameworks which seek to improve water quality in the Mid-Atlantic, problems remain. MARCO is working regionally to address both existing and emerging marine water quality concerns.

Renewable Energy
The Need for Action
The importance of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, achieving energy independence, and relieving congested energy transmission routes has elevated renewable energy on U.S. public policy agendas and in the public consciousness. With a gently sloping continental shelf and strong offshore winds, the Mid-Atlantic is well-suited to offshore wind development, which could be a solution for states to meet renewable portfolio standards and goals. As offshore wind development ramps up, states and stakeholders are tasked with considering how this exciting new industry will affect the busy and ecologically productive waters of the Mid-Atlantic. Critical undersea infrastructure such as submarine cables and stationary scientific equipment must be factored in.
MARCO’s Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal houses and displays thousands of data layers to help coastal managers, decision makers, and members of the public understand potential interactions between offshore wind development, marine life and various ocean uses and resources.
A Current Agency Actions and Public Comment Opportunities page was created offering a snapshot of ocean planning activities in the region and work likely to be of interest to MARCO and the Ocean Data Portal’s community of users.

The Need for Action
Cold-water corals, deep submarine canyons, and a broad, sandy continental shelf are among the diverse ocean habitats of the Mid-Atlantic region. In addition to being home to wildlife like sea turtles, whales, dolphins, seabirds, fish, crustaceans, corals, and other species, these habitats support commercial and recreational fisheries and other important economic activities in the region. MARCO is working with partners to map and document the Mid-Atlantic Ocean habitats in order to maintain sustainable resource use and healthy ecosystems in light of climatic changes and increased human use pressure.