Life in the Deep Sea Canyons Webinar Series Concludes November 5
Throughout the fall, MARCO has been partnering with top scientists to explore the deep sea canyons through a webinar series, “Life in the Deep Sea.” Millions of people live along the Atlantic coast and spend time recreating on our beaches and shores. Yet few people know that far offshore and deep underwater lie some of the most majestic and remarkable features in our ocean. Deep sea canyons run along the underwater coast of the Mid-Atlantic at various points along the shelf break and provide vital habitat to ancient corals and other unique species who would otherwise have difficulty thriving in the harsh, cold, dark environment. Studying these fragile habitats and the hidden and unusual species that live in them is important to understanding how our decisions and daily behavior can impact little known areas of the ocean far away and unseen.
Monitoring Deep Sea Sharks
Photo © Keith Ellenbogen
Our first webinar, “Life in the Deep Sea: Canyon Predators,” and our second webinar, “Life in the Deep Sea: Canyons, Shipwrecks and Seeps,” have both been recorded and are available to view on MARCO’s website.
Deep Sea Corals Credit: Steve Ross
Our third and final webinar of the series, “Life in the Deep Sea: Canyons as Important Whale Habitat” will be held on November 5 from 1 – 2 PM and will explore how two species of whales, the short finned pilot whale and the Cuvier’s beaked whale, use canyons along the Mid-Atlantic as well as conservation efforts. The link to registration is on the MARCO website and here.
Cuvier’s beaked whale surfacing after a long dive
We would like to thank all of our presenters for taking time to share their expertise and experiences in the deep sea.
Life in the Deep Sea: Canyon Predators:
Dr. Peter Auster, Research Professor Emeritus of Marine Sciences, University of Connecticut and Senior Research Scientist, Mystic Aquarium
Merry Camhi, Director, New York Seascape, Wildlife Conservation Society, New York Aquarium
Life in the Deep Sea: Canyons, Shipwrecks and Seeps
Steve Ross, Research Professor, Center for Marine Science, University of North Carolina – Wilmington
Life in the Deep Sea: Canyons as Important Whale Habitat
Dr. Andrew Read, Stephen Toth Professor of Marine Biology and the Director of the Duke University Marine Laboratory
Dr. Howard Rosenbaum, Director of Ocean Giants Program, Senior Conservation Scientist, Global Conservation, Wildlife Conservation Society.
MARCO appreciates the support of the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation for this webinar series.

Credit: Steve Ross, University of North Carolina Wilmington