In light of the increased focus on regional ocean planning in the Mid-Atlantic region, as well as nationally, MARCO is convening a Stakeholder Liaison Committee designed to foster meaningful, and ongoing stakeholder involvement in the regional ocean planning process.
On March 10, 2014, MARCO convened a Stakeholder Liaison Committee inaugural scoping meeting in Washington, DC with the following objectives:

  • Introduce Stakeholder Liaison Committee members to Mid-Atlantic regional ocean planning and to the committee’s proposed roles in informing the planning process.
  • Provide founding members of the Stakeholder Liaison Committee an opportunity to help shape the committee process so that it most effectively meets the needs of stakeholders and provides meaningful input for regional ocean planning.
  • Facilitate in-depth discussion and feedback about the initial draft products of the Mid-Atlantic Regional Planning Body, including the Draft Mid-Atlantic Regional Ocean Planning Framework.

A document summarizing the meeting can be found here.

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