PORTSMOUTH, VIRGINIA | By Michelle Lennox and Arlo Hemphill
The tugboat, towboat and barge industry is the largest segment of the U.S. domestic maritime industry, employing more than 33,000 American mariners aboard its vessels. In the Mid-Atlantic alone, Waterways and Ports combined support over 270,000 jobs and directly contribute more than $54 billion to the states’ economies.

Efficiency of transport is one of the many attributes of the barge industry. Click the photo to learn more about this important sector.
On September 22, 2014, MARCO convened a meeting with leaders of the Tug & Barge industry, assembled under the American Waterways Operators in Portsmouth, Virginia. The session provided a valuable exchange on the needs and concerns of the Tug & Barge community as the Mid-Atlantic moves into an ocean planning process.
The objectives of the meeting were to:
- Advance MARCO’s and the Mid-Atlantic Regional Planning Body’s understanding of the tug and barge sector.
- Advance the tug & barge industry’s understanding of ocean planning and its status in the region, and the respective roles of MARCO and the MidA RPB in the process.
- Identify ways MARCO can further assist the tug and barge sector engage in the regional ocean planning process.
- Increase engagement, collaboration, and relationship building among the attending parties.
During the meeting, MARCO received an overview of the history and current state of the tug and barge industry; technical, economic and logistical concerns involved in navigating Mid-Atlantic waterways such as the width and depth of area needed for towing ships to pass each other in average weather conditions; and the particular needs and concerns the industry has with engaging an ocean planning process. MARCO gave a briefing on its history, four shared priorities, and role in the regional ocean planning process. MARCO staff then provided a ‘tour’ of the Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal features and functions, and a discussion was held around the Portal’s usefulness to tug and barge industry needs.
Please check the MARCO website often, as a written summary of the meeting with be posted soon.

Image at top: A tug and barge pass along the New York City skyline. Harvey Spears/Marine Photobank.
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