Mid-Atlantic Ocean Planning Committee (Mid-A OPC)
The Mid-A OPC (formerly the Mid-Atlantic Committee on the Ocean) is a committee established by MARCO to foster collaboration among states, federal agencies, the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (MAFMC), and federally recognized tribes, and to engage stakeholders. The purpose of the Mid-A OPC is to enhance the vitality of the region’s ocean ecosystem and economy through increased communication and collaboration.
- Provide a venue for ongoing regional information sharing and coordination about the Mid-Atlantic’s ocean ecosystem and economy;
- Generate a deeper understanding and awareness of state, federal, tribal and regional fisheries management entities’ programs and other activities affecting ocean waters off the Mid-Atlantic;
- Identify and pursue, where appropriate, opportunities for collaboration on regional ocean issues;
- Generate and maintain a list of contacts engaged in ocean planning to facilitate communication across the region;
- Identify ways to enhance federal data sharing and support for the Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal to inform ocean planning and management; and
- Engage stakeholders in learning about, identifying and responding to regional ocean issues.
The Mid-Atlantic Ocean Forum
Committee members will convene an annual Mid-Atlantic Ocean Forum as a venue for regional information sharing, coordination and collaboration, and to enhance the region’s ability to leverage existing efforts and information across multiple levels of government, federally recognized tribes, non-governmental entities and other stakeholders. The information and presentations discussed and shared through the Forum will inform the Committee and participants about potential areas to take future action, generate a deeper understanding and awareness of member priorities and policy changes/enhancements that may affect regional planning (e.g. funding, data, research, projects, best practices identified in other regions), and identify areas for more intensive coordination.

Mid-A OPC Participation
State: Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Virginia
Federal: Current federal participants include but are not limited to the Department of Commerce; the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration); the Department of the Interior through the US Geological Survey, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Fish and Wildlife Service, and National Parks Service; the Department of Agriculture through the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service; the Department of Defense through the Joint Command, Navy, and/or Army Corps of Engineers; the Department of Homeland Security, US Coast Guard; the Environmental Protection Agency; the Department of Transportation Maritime Administration; and the Department of Energy.
Tribal: Shinnecock Indian Nation
Regional: The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council
Steering Committee
- Kelsey Leonard (Tribal Co-Chair)
- Shinnecock Indian Nation
- Kristi Lieske (State Co-Chair)
- Delaware
- Jessica Coakley
- Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council
- Wright Frank
- Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
- John Kuriawa
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Casey Nolan
- Maryland Department of Natural Resources
- Mike Snyder
- New York Department of State
- Roselle (Henn) Stern
- US Army Corps of Engineers
Work Groups & Collaborative Efforts
MARCO and the Mid-A OPC collaborate with governmental agencies, tribal nations and many other interested stakeholders through a series of specially focused work groups on marine debris, ocean acidification, ocean mapping and data, non-consumptive recreation, offshore renewable energy and Maritime Commercs and Navigation Safety. More information can be found on the work groups page.
Additional Resources
- Updates – news shared by Mid-A OPC members
- This framework document sets forth the organization’s structure, goals and objectives, and guides its overall work.
- This stakeholder engagement plan outlines a range of approaches the committee will take to work and communicate with stakeholders, partner organizations and members of the public.
- Event calendar – regional ocean planning events
For More Information
Questions or comments about the Mid-Atlantic Ocean Planning Committee may be directed to info@midatlanticocean.org.