Mid-A OPC Updates
A digest of news links and informational resources compiled quarterly by Mid-Atlantic Ocean Planning Committee members.
(Updated December 2024)
Upcoming Dates & Events
Jan. 27-30: Coastal GeoTools, Wilmington, NC
Feb. 11-12: Delaware Estuary Science and Environmental Summit, Wilmington, DE
*Save the Date* May 6-8: Mid-Atlantic Ocean Forum, Baltimore
Agency News
BOEM: BOEM Finalizes Tribal Engagement Strategy and Consultation Guidance , 12/9/24
BOEM: BOEM Identifies Environmental Measures for Wind Energy Development in the New York Bight, 12/2/24
BOEM: BOEM Completes Environmental Review of Wind Lease Areas Offshore New York and New Jersey, 10/21/24
General FYI
Some in industry see Trump as fishermen’s friend, but tariffs could make fish pricier, ABC News, 12/13/24
Vineyard Wind defeats fishing groups in federal appeals court, ClimateWire, 12/11/24
General FYI
USDOT/MARAD open grant opportunities:
- Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost-saving Transportation (PROTECT) NOFO
- MARAD has a pre-solicitation announcement for layberth of one, two, or three Cape S class ships on the East, Gulf, or West Coast. See the Word document at the bottom of this page that details the needs for the berth to accommodate the Cape S class of vessels.
MARCO Portal: Habitat Areas of Particular Concern (HAPC) for Seven Fish Species and Groups Now Available, 12/9/24
MARCO: November newsletter
MARCO: Ocean Conservation Symposium videos (October)