Offshore Wind Regional Collaboration

There is extensive state and federal activity related to planning and siting offshore wind in the Mid-Atlantic. The Mid-Atlantic Offshore Wind Regional Collaborative (OWRC) provides a forum for interested MACO members to share and receive information about meetings and decision points related to offshore wind in the Mid-Atlantic.

Throughout the year, the OWRC regularly convenes to facilitate inter-agency information, will hold webinar(s) when timely topics arise and identifies opportunities to expand inter-regional coordination on transmission challenges.

The OWRC also works with the Ocean Mapping Data Team (OMDT) and other offshore wind work groups to identify data needs and how to obtain those data, compiles information about best practices and identifies issues that would benefit from closer collaboration that are not already being addressed by other offshore wind working groups in the region.

2024 OWRC Work Plan

2023 MACO OWRC Work Plan & Progress Report





OWRC Leadership

The Offshore Wind Regional Collaboration was cooperatively formed by MACO members, and is currently led by:

      Kevin Hassell

      NJ Coastal Management Program 

      NJ Department of Environmental Protection 


photo of Mike Snyder, NY representative on MARCO board

      Mike Snyder

      NY Ocean and Great Lakes Program

      NY Department of State


     Marianne Randall

     NOAA Fisheries

     National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration



Wright Frank

Office of Renewable Energy Programs

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

Offshore Wind Transmission Story Map Mini-Series

cable-laying ship for offshore wind transmission

Transmission Series Part I: Siting Cables in Federal Waters

Installation of wind turbines offshore Virginia

Transmission Series Part II: The CVOW Cable Route

A two-part miniseries of “Ocean Stories” features on the MARCO Portal offers an educational look at the basics of offshore wind energy transmission siting. Created by members of the Mid-Atlantic Committee on the Ocean’s offshore wind work group, the first installment introduces the planning considerations involved with designing power cables in federal waters while part II looks at the design and construction process for a cable connecting to two active turbines off Virginia Beach. (Non-mobile device recommended for best viewing of scrolling data maps.)

Offshore Wind Transmission Webinar Series

As the offshore wind industry develops in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic US, there has been increased focus on the importance of critical transmission infrastructure. Transmission is regulated and managed onshore and offshore by multiple state and federal agencies, as well as regional entities. MARCO partnered with the Regional Ocean Partnership in the Northeast, the Northeast Regional Ocean Council, to host a webinar series to build an understanding of the current framework for transmission planning on land, and issues that are emerging as that
planning extends offshore.

View the webinar recordings and download materials 

MACO Ocean Forum

The MACO Committee convenes an annual Mid-Atlantic Ocean Forum, as resources allow, as a venue for regional information sharing, coordination and collaboration, and to enhance the region’s ability to leverage existing efforts and information across multiple state and federal government agencies, federally-recognized tribes, non-governmental entities and ocean stakeholders. The OWRC regularly engages in the Ocean Forum planning process to provide expertise on offshore wind energy content.

Federal and Regional Renewable Energy Resources

Disclaimer: The Mid-Atlantic Regional Council on the Ocean does not necessarily endorse any state, federal or regional organization’s renewable energy goals or activities. This list is for informational purposes only.

Learn more about how MARCO’s Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal informs offshore wind development in the Mid-Atlantic Region.

Read the story map on Offshore Wind Energy Lease Areas in the Mid-Atlantic.