State News
New Jersey
New Jersey released a Global Warming Response Act: 80 x 50 report in October for climate mitigation. The objective of the 80×50 Report (reduce the emissions fueling climate change by 80% by 2050) is to communicate the ability and limitations of existing policies and programs in reaching the 80×50 goal and to provide options in order to craft new initiatives to bridge the emissions reductions gap. Read more:
Plastic Carryout Bag Ban Effective on Jan. 1, 2021
Consumers and some businesses in Delaware will no longer be able to use or distribute single-use plastic carryout bags at point-of-sale starting January 1. and

Credit: DNREC
Reefing the John S. Dempster
The F/V John S. Dempster Jr. is a 180 foot menhaden fishing vessel. She now joins the Del-Jersey-Land artificial reef 26 nautical miles off the Indian River Inlet, providing habitat for black sea bass, flounder, bluefish, bluefin tuna and shark as a part of DNREC’s Artificial Reef Program.
Dominion Energy is moving ahead on construction of a jack-up vessel to be used for build out of Virginia’s commercial lease area. Dominion also submitted its Construction and Operation Plan to BOEM for its commercial lease area in December 2020. Construction is expected to begin in 2024 and to produce 2,640 MW (2.6 GW) of electricity by 2026 – enough to power 660,000 homes.

Credit: NOV, Inc.
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